Identity and core Values

Core Values

At PRR we are lead by these following values 

Love: This is the foundation. It suggests a deep caring and compassion for others, especially those being helped.

Communion: we focus on the  sense of unity and shared purpose, fostering a strong connection between the organization and those it serves.

Action: We  emphasizes taking practical steps and initiatives to make a difference. We try all our best to  be proactive and results-oriented

Integrity: This points to honesty, sincerity, and ethical behavior. It’s about doing what is right, even when it’s difficult.

  • Vision

    A awakened society where every vulnerable person, family, or community benefits from and seizes opportunities that allow them to escape vulnerability and achieve prosperity.

  • Mission

    To promote community mobilization around sustainable development initiatives to assist, protect vulnerable people, and promote youth in their socio-economic life in order to enable them to be connected, dynamic, productive, and prosperous.

  • Motto

    Love - Communion -Action

 All the right reserved to PRR© 2024 Created by Ufanuzi 

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