About Us

Our history

At a time when Burundi was engulfed in years of civil war, ethnic tension, conflict, and social maladies, the youth were lost on the streets, victims of war’s effects. Drug addiction and crime further aggravated the legacy of violence on their traumatized young minds.

The Pioneers of Revival and Reconciliation (PRR) organization was created to address the urgency of these fundamental issues and intervene in the lives of young people whose lives had been disrupted by the war.

In 1998, a group of young leaders had the vision to transform the mindset of Burundi’s youth through the word of God.

The organization was officially recognized by Ministerial Ordinance No. 530/476 of May 23, 2005.

Thanks to this guidance, the transformed youth have become a catalyst for change. They are now responding to the needs of the community and creating opportunities for sustainable and inclusive development.

Our areas of intervation


P.R.R Burundi is committed to improving the lives of vulnerable households by empowering them to become self-sufficient. Through job creation initiatives, P.R.R Burundi helps families break free from poverty and meet their basic needs. By providing health insurance, P.R.R Burundi ensures equitable access to healthcare, promoting better health outcomes for families

The Youths

P.R.R Burundi aims to develop the potential of each young person by giving them the keys to better know themselves, strengthen their self-confidence and define a life project. By introducing them to entrepreneurship, the program encourages them to create their own jobs and become independent. This approach not only promotes their personal development but also contributes to the economic development of the country.
Aware of the challenges facing youth, we focus on the prevention of risky behaviors such as alcohol and drug use. Young people are made aware of the dangers of these substances and how to protect themselves. In addition, the program trains them in peaceful conflict resolution, teaching them to communicate effectively and find constructive solutions to problems

The Sick

Since 2011, PRR Burundi has been committed to improving the quality of life of vulnerable hospitalized patients. Thanks to its financial, material, and moral support, it brings precious comfort to those who suffer.

Financial support: The program contributes to the payment of medical expenses, medications, and additional examinations, thus relieving the financial burden on families.

Material support: It provides specific foods, thus improving hospitalization conditions.

Moral support: Volunteers visit patients, bringing them comfort and a listening ear, thus creating a precious human connection. Despite the unwavering commitment of PRR Burundi members, the program’s resources are limited. Unfortunately, it is not possible to meet all the needs of the patients. However, every gesture, every donation, every act of solidarity counts. That is why PRR Burundi is launching an appeal to all those who wish to contribute to improving the living conditions of vulnerable patients. Every donation, no matter how small, makes a significant difference. By supporting PRR, you are participating in an essential humanitarian action and bringing a ray of sunshine into the lives of those who need it most.

Our Achievements

Dear partners,

PRR Burundi’s mission is to protect the rights of the most vulnerable people in our society, particularly children, households, the sick, and young people. Since its creation, we have worked tirelessly to improve their living conditions and offer them a better future.

Since 2016, we have focused our efforts on the Karurama site, providing essential assistance to children and their families. By providing them with school supplies, health insurance cards, and facilitating their registration in birth registers.

Since 2011, we have supported vulnerable patients at the Prince Regent Charles Hospital (HPRC). By providing them with financial, material, and moral support.

Aware of the importance of youth in the development of our country, we have developed specific projects for young people. These projects aim to offer them future prospects by training them, raising their awareness, and encouraging them to get involved in their community

 All the right reserved to PRR© 2024 Created by Ufanuzi 

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